Friday, December 14, 2018

Game Testing

Game Testing

As we are testing our games it can be hard to try and self critique our work. Everyone has been developing their game with different levels of experience and creativity. I have seen some peoples games that look really incredible and well designed and have come together nicely. it is hard then to look at my own game and try to work to improve my design by comparing to others designs. I feel that i would make a much better progression if i had others to look at my game and give constructive criticism based on an outside view of my game. this allows for my work to be compared against another persons design ideas and creative eye. it is definitely a nice feeling to get reassurance from your peers through compliments on your own work but it is definitely destructive to solely get reassurance from someone just to preserve your self confidence. Constructive criticism is one of the best ways to help a peer to take a step back and see what they can improve in their design and help them to see other, possibly better, options for their game. The Closet Entrepreneur's article on giving constructive criticism does a great job to outline how to go about giving criticism in the right way and how, in turn, this can ultimately help your own work in future projects.

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